

In this place you’ll find all the different ticket options we’re offering. They are quite a few, but don’t be confused :-) There should be a good option for everyone!
Please note, that there still won’t be any single-day tickets. Also we don’t have any discounts except for those mentioned here.

Regular Ticket

The regular ticket is valid for all 4 days and enables you to enjoy everything the event provides. The price for the regular ticket is 95.- EUR. Please note that you won’t receive an invoice for this ticket. In case you need a written invoice you should consider buying an I♥Revision ticket or a supporter ticket.

Subsidized Ticket

We are offering subsidized tickets for people in bad financial situations who can’t afford the regular entrance fee, but want to enjoy the party with their scene friends nonetheless. These tickets will only be granted upon good reasons because in fact, the other visitors will pay the difference in entrance fee for you. Thus, please apply for a subsidized ticket here. The price for the subsidized ticket is 40.- EUR.

Sunday Ticket

The sunday ticket is a slightly discounted ticket for people that are not able to visit the whole party but still want to see the main compo block on Sunday night.
It is only valid from Sunday, 12:00 to the end of the party. You will not be allowed to participate in competitions with that ticket! The price for the sunday ticket is 65.- EUR.


Our higher-priced ticket for those who love what we do and would like to show that with some additional support! With this “Supporter Ticket Light” you automatically receive the official Revision party shirt as well as an invoice (in case you need one). The price for this ticket is 150.- EUR.

Supporter Ticket

Supporter tickets are your possibility to show your passion and support for the demoscene and especially Revision even more! It will not only give you full 4-day access but also some additional specials:

  • A special T-Shirt
  • Mentioning during prizegiving ceremony (optionally you can stay anonymous)
  • Mentioning on the website (optionally you can stay anonymous)

The prices for a supporter ticket range from 250.- to 1000.- EUR. If you’d like to support us in your companies’ name you’ll receive a written invoice.

Supporter tickets can be ordered through the regular ticket shop, if you need an invoice please get in touch with us.

Remote Ticket

Can’t make it to Revision, but still want to participate in all competitions and/or vote like any visitor on site? This is the ticket for you then!
It is available for 25,- EUR.

Remote Supporter Ticket

The same as the regular Remote Ticket, but for everyone who wants to support us even from distant places!
It is available for 50,- EUR.