
ventuz Platinum

Ventuz Technology is home to 3 absolute Legends of the demoscene, Chaos of Farbrausch, kb of Farbrausch, and BoyC of Conspiracy.
It is also home of our legendary Real-Time software and a few of us lesser mortals. Ventuz is based in Hamburg, and is where they bring their spirit and sick programming skills to the commercial world of Real-Time data visualisation for ProAV and Broadcast.

Maybe, if you check, you’ll spot some of their trademark programming tags in the Ventuz software.
Go on, take a look.

zeit:raum Platinum

The zeit:raum group develops forward-thinking solutions for media, digital, virtual/augmented reality and CGI. To this end, zeit:raum offers holistic strategic consulting, creative conception and innovative technical solutions, sophisticated film- and digital projects - from inception to realisation.

bondix by sima Silver

Bondix by SIMA is the leading brand for WAN software solutions specifically tailored to the needs of OEMs, hardware distributors, network and Internet providers and their end users. Enjoy high speeds, high bandwidth, efficiency, reliability and low latency – simply by adding Bondix WAN bonding to existing hardware.

At SIMA GmbH, the owner of all things Bondix and former Bondix Intelligence, we work seamlessly with our customers and partners to arrive at the best solution every time - a solution that is both cost-effective and future-proof.

Bondix by SIMA. Because smarter is better.

GIANTS Software Silver

GIANTS Software is best known for its worldwide bestselling “Farming Simulator” series. With offices in Zürich, Switzerland, Erlangen, Germany, Brno, Czech Republic and Chicago, USA, they are one of the most successful game developer and publisher in Europe.

Their Farming Simulator games have constantly pushed the envelope of real-time simulator games, from interactive open-world game-play to career-mode and their own esports league.

In 2020 GIANTS decided to self-publish and has since successfully released not only Farming Simulator 22 which sold more than 4 million copies in its first year, but also several free and paid content updates and recently announced the FS22 Year 2 Season Pass.

Working with international partners in agriculture and software development alike, running their own “FarmCon” community convention, GIANTS offers a wide range of exciting fields of activity and interest.

Assemble Technology Silver

Helping great teams deliver great games.

Assemble Technology provides technical programming co-development and consulting services to the games industry, primarily on console and PC using Unreal Engine.
Join the team and benefit from the unique working environment that sets us apart.
We are always looking for exceptional candidates.

At Assemble Technology, we take pride in our identity as a small, professional team operating externally from bigger game development studios. Our team members have many years experience which offers a unique environment and is a refreshing change for more senior developers.

As a fully remote team we also benefit from the advantages of working from home.

nTop Silver

nTop is a company building next-generation CAD software, using math to build complex geometry for 3D printing.

Cooler Master Silver

Cooler Master ist ein Anbieter von Wärmelösungen und Hersteller von Computerhardware aus Taiwan.
Das 1992 von Roger Lin gegründete Unternehmen erweitert kontinuierlich sein Produktportfolio und erweitert die Grenzen der Innovation, um unvergleichliche Erfahrungen zu liefern.
Von hochleistungsfähigen PC-Komponenten bis hin zu modernsten Peripheriegeräten ermöglicht das vielfältige Angebot des Unternehmens den Kunden, ihrer Kreativität Ausdruck zu verleihen, ihre Produktivität zu steigern und ihre digitalen Erfahrungen zu verbessern.
Neben dem Einzelhandelsgeschäft liegt der strategische Fokus von Cooler Master auf der Förderung von Partnerschaften im OEM- und ODM-Bereich, von denen beide Seiten profitieren.
Durch die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Branchenführern nutzt das Unternehmen seine Erfahrung, sein Fachwissen und seine Fertigungskapazitäten, um maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu liefern, die den gemeinsamen Erfolg fördern.
Cooler Master hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein zuverlässiger Partner für Unternehmen zu sein, die auf der Suche nach Spitzentechnologie und maßgeschneiderten Lösungen sind.

consolekabels.be Silver

Consolekabels.be supplies modern tools and addons for all your demoscene and retro-gaming needs on the common 8- and 16-bit platforms out there but also supplies those the cables, power supplies, joysticks, controllers that you can no longer find or just want to replace. Owned and operated by the Royal Belgian Beer Squadron, they have returned again to support Revision 2024


NVIDIA again kindly provides us the mighty GPUs for our competition machines.

Individual Computers Silver

Individual Computers is already in business for over 20 years. They are highly recognized in the scene for excellent hardware products for current and retro-computers such as Amiga and C64.

Alcatraz Scene Supporter

Alcatraz support Revision 2024 with an awesome group effort <3

Data Airlines Corporate Supporter

DATA AIRLINES - A record label dealing in digital music and proto internet culture since 2007.

Nicepixel.se Corporate Supporter

Pixel art books - printed hardcover books with some of the best pixel art created in the demoscene and beyond.

Kilohearts Corporate Supporter

Kilohearts is providing a full Phase Plant license + extra Soundbanks for the winner of the Streaming music competition.

Liqube Audio Corporate Supporter

Resonic Pro is a fast audio player and sample browser for professionals and enthusiasts. It offers studio-grade audio quality, XMPLAY-compatible playback of tracked music, a big waveform seekbar, and analyzers. As a demoscener I want to give back and offer special Pro license to every Revision ticket holders, anybody participating in a compo, and will gift full Pro licenses to the top winners in all music compos.
Details and Discord: https://revision.liqube.com

deinetickets Corporate Supporter

Your show. Your guests. Your tickets.

CSW-Verlag Corporate Supporter

Our publications discuss culture and technology and tell stories behind ideas, programs and innovations.

Intersaar Corporate Supporter

Intersaar provides Revision 2024 with a free highspeed internet uplink.

CCC VOC Streaming Partner

CCC Video Operation Center is a working group consisting of Chaos Computer Club enthusiasts running lecture recording and streaming infrastructure on and for different chaos events or conferences.
C3VOC provides Revision 2024 with a home for its live stream.

SceneCity Streaming Partner

SceneCity is a communication platform for the Demoscene, providing group- and one-to-one chat communication as well as video streaming services, with an emphasis on privacy.

In parallel to the stream operated by the CCC, SceneCity will be running a dedicated stream based on a high-quality video chain.

scenesat Streaming Partner

SceneSat brings you the best music from every corner of the demoscene!

Private supporters

We thank the following people for their tremendous support! <3

emoon / TBL
muhmac / Speckdrumm
Punqtured / fnuque
Weasel / Padua / G*P / C.A.P. TV
Hellcat @ Smyrking Floof
SINSE JUNE / https://june.style
Lea @Charm Quarks
yugecin / RBBS
void / hicknhack
psykon / mercury
AdeptApril / Monoceros
kudrix / Echtzeit
Terwiz / Alumni
dOc.K / Moods Plateau

Get in touch

Need some help or more information concerning a partnership? Please get in touch with us. We’re more than happy to supply you all the information you need and of course also custom tailored sponsoring options for you and your business.

Your sponsoring contact is Mr. Andreas Schilling
